Thursday 13 January 2011

Research into Indie

Indie Music
Indie stands for independent, it describes independence. Today we stereotype people a lot for example the way someone dresses, we automatically categorise them. Here are some examples of what we think ‘indie’ people wear, there are four different outfits that I have constructed on a website, which is
Indie Outfit 1 – This is an outfit that I would say is an everyday outfit. They wear different things to what has been around for a while; it seems to have come back into fashion lately people may dress like this because they like it or because they are following a group. Most ‘indie’ people dress the way they do to be different from others and set their own trends of what they like suggesting independence.
·         A baggy jumper.
·         Leggings
·         Boots
·         Fluffy/Big socks above the boots
·         Bracelets
·         Big earrings.
Indie Outfit 2 – This is an outfit that I would say is a festival outfit. This is the type of outfit that you would see someone wearing to a festival like Reading or Glastonbury as they like their music and go to festivals to see their favourite bands. I class this as indie as well as they mix and match random things but put it together well. Stereotypically ‘indie’ people look after themselves; the way the look and they are fairly skinny with curves, as they can wear things like this:
·         Short Shorts
·         Long Socks
·         Printed Wellies
·         Flowery/Feminine top
·         Straw summer hat
Indie Outfit 3 – This is also an everyday outfit. These are the type of clothes we also stereotype as an ‘indie’ outfit. The tight jeans and baggy checked shirt. ‘Indie’ have their way of dressing which is how they like to look. The fashion of old clothes coming back in to fashion like baggy and tight.
·         Tight ripped jeans
·         Baggy checked shirt
·         Leatherette Zigzagging Oxford flat shoes

Indie Outfit 4 – This outfit is a going out outfit. Something that people with their independent fashion for going out to a nice/posh place, or if they want to look nice/posh. This is what I see as an indie outfit as they were big accessories girly clothes – floral and heels.
  • Floral Dress
  • Baggy Cardie
  • Cream Bag with elegant accessories 
  • Cream Heels with Statement Bow


This is the clothing I associate with indie, the stereotype I see. Also the poses in this photograph suggest independence and their own style, not afraid of what others think. I like this style of images as they look good and advertise different types of clothing. I like the way this picture is put into a rectangle with for images I think it looks really good, and would like to create something like this for my double page spread.

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