Tuesday 11 January 2011


Today I added to my music magazine research, I added an annotation of a magazine front cover to show examples of some front covers for different genres. I added YouTube videos of different music genres, for an example of the different types to go with my research. I also created a brainstorm of all the music genres I could choose to base my magazine on. I only named the main genres of music as there are too many sub genres, so I named the ones i was most familiar with. I then annotated the brainstorm and will choose the genre I want to do from this brainstorm and music research.

Today I created a poll for visitors on my page to vote which genre of music they prefer to listen to. I also researched more into the other genres of music and need too add it to my research.

Today I have researched more into the genre of music i am choosing to base my magazine on which is indie. I have created some outfits based on what stereotype we associate with indie. I need to add more to these and then I will post them onto my blog.

Today I have written about my genre I have chosen which is indie, and I have found music magazines that are based on indie. I have then found examples of bands an singers and posted them onto my blog. I have also researched into 'indie' as it is the genre I chose, I have uploaded what I have done onto my blog and will need to add a bit more to it as I have only explained the music and stereotypes.

Today I have written my proposal and planned out how I am going to create my music magazine. I have written it in my blog and posted it, including fonts, colours, images and other. I also thought about my photos and how i was going to take them I just need to write my ideas down and plan my photo shoot.

Today I have googled some images of indie and looked at some magazine covers, to try and get a better image in my head of what I want to create. I have printed some pictures and I'm going to put together a collage/montage type thing to put together my ideas and figure out how I want my model to pose. I took my photographs later today as well for my front cover and double page spread I am happy with these and will begin my front cover.

Today I have uploaded my images onto my blog to show what they are all like and what one I have chosen. I also added my poll of music genre votes to my blog to show what the most popular is.

Today I have edited my pictures a bit more on photo shop, my final image for my front cover magazine. I also started putting together my magazine front cover in photo shop. I have done quite a bit to it and need to update the screen grabs of my stages to illustrate what I have done.

Today I have uploaded my construction of my magazine front cover using screen grabs whilst I have been constructing these. They show the tools I have used and also the progress I have made. I have now finished my front cover and have upload this onto my blog so I can see my final front cover.

Today I made a few touches to my front cover and began my contents page, I do not yet have an image for my front cover but i will add that in once I have it. So as I didn't have these images I decided to have a play around on photoshoop to see how I wanted my contents page and started constructing it.

Today I have finished all my information on my contents page and just need to add my photographs to my contents where i have put the squares. I have changed the lay out of my contents page from what i created last week and I think it has improved.

Today I finished my contents page, I added pictures and moved and changed a few things to improve it. I am happy with my final contents page and think the changes made it better.

Today I changed a few extra things to my contents page I then began editing my photographs for my double page spread and placing them together how I wanted them to be on my double page spread. I have a main layout and I will add various other pictures to it. I will plan out my double page spread and build it off of that.

Today I began my double page spread, created my background and everything in photoshop I then placed it into indesign. I had alread written out my questions so i just made sure they were okay and addedd them in.

Today I continued with my double page spread editing bits that werent right, this meant opening the background back up into photoshop and editing that and placing it back into indesign.

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