Wednesday 12 January 2011

Reflection on Student Magazine

In my opinion my music magazine was pretty good for my first attempt at ever making a magazine front cover and contents page. I think I have done quite well in creating it. The magazine front cover doesn't look like a professional magazine, but i didn't expect it too, as it was my first attempt. I think i could of improved it a bit more but i ran out of time as i missed a couple of lessons and tried catching up, I think I did well in trying to catch up as i got everything up to date. If I had the chance to do this again I would as I would like to think about it more and put more into it. I would have thought about the masthead more and thought about the picture more, and taken a few more to add in my contents page, but we were a bit pushed for time. I enjoyed creating a music magazine it was very different to things I have done before. In creating this magazine I used a digital camera for my photographs and used photo shop to put it all together, and create my final pieces. For my flat plans I used word to put everything together as I didn't need to use photo shop with this so it wasn't as complex.

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