Wednesday 12 January 2011


Who are you aiming your magazine at?
For my music magazine I am aiming it 15-18 year olds, as this age are the most likely people to read music magazines as they like their music. Music magazines now are aimed at that range but they are available to anyone. I want my magazine to be like that as others can be interested too.

What will your magazine be about?
My music magazine will be about music; the genre I have chosen to base my magazine on is ‘indie’. It will include various things like upcoming gigs and festivals, interviews with different artists.

What are your ideas for cover lines?
·      Exclusive interview with Snow Patrol
·      Info on gigs inside!
·      Coming up festivals!

What title have you decided on and why?
For my music magazine title I have decided to use ‘iMusic’ witch stands for ‘independent music’. I have decided on this title as the ‘i’ stands for indie, as that is the music genre I am doing and music as it is a music magazine.

What fonts do you want to want to use?

What are your ideas of taglines?
·      independent Music, whatever you like.

            When in the year will it be published?
My music magazine will be published in summer, as it will be advertising festivals. I think the magazine will be best published in summer. My main photo will be summery so will have a slight theme.

What kind of image do you expect to put on your front cover and how will you go about getting this image?
For my image I will take a picture of a girl wearing summery festival type clothes, the type we stereotype as ‘indie’. I will take this photo on my camera against a white/plain backdrop.  I will experiment with the images when I do my photo shoot.

How frequently would it be published?
For this magazine it will be published every fortnight. It will then be able to let people know about new/old music, upcoming advents and various other things.

What are the dimensions of the cover?
The dimensions for my magazine will be A4 it will be clear, eye catching and the same size as most fonts, it will also be quite thin whereas if it was A5 it will be a lot chunkier as it would be double the page as its half the size.

What image/colour would you use on your contents page?
I will use various images of other bands/singers in my contents page and match the colour of my front cover to my contents page based on a colour scheme I have chosen. The colours I will use are reds, whites and black.

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