Friday 28 January 2011

What I did today...28/01/2011

Today I made a few touches to my front cover and began my contents page, I do not yet have an image for my front cover but I will add that in once I have it. So as I didn't have these images I decided to have a play around on Photoshop to see how I wanted my contents page and started constructing it.

Construction of Contents

 This is my first screen grab of my contents page I have created it on photo shop using different tools. I then created this boxes to add my pages and my pictures.

This is my second screen grab of my construction, I have added more pages and original artist's name onto the contents using different tools. I also changed my construction of adding sub headings making different sections.

This is my third screen grab I have finished adding my information and page numbers, next time I will just need to add my pictures onto it.                        This is my fourth screen grab. I like how I have arranged the pictures on the contents page and some link to the things I have included on the contents page.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

What I did today...25/01/2011

Today I have uploaded my construction of my magazine front cover using screen grabs whilst I have been constructing these. They show the tools I have used and also the progress I have made. I have now finished my front cover and have uploaded this onto my blog so I can see my final front cover.

Final Front Cover

This is my final music magazine front cover, for the music genre: indie. I have uploaded all the stages of constructing this and all my research involved with the music genre indie.

I think this magazine is a better than my student magazine as I have been able to have the experience of creating it before. I thought it would be okay without the banner at the top including the puff but it looked really bare in the corner so I added this to fill the space and advertise something else that would help sell my magazine to the audience.

Construction of my Front cover

This is my front cover when I first began creating it. I was constructing this in photo shop, Firstly I added the masthead in . font. I then added my tag line just underneath my masthead, explaining about the magazine and what is in it. this is a screen grab of when i was constructing my front cover showing the tools I am using.
 Here is the second screen grab of my front cover whilst constructing it. i have now added my barcode that I created myself on I also added a cover line.
 Here is my third print of where i have got up too, I have now added another cover line stating who the artist is, once again a screen grab of my work in photo shop showing the tools I have used.

Here is my forth screen grab of my front cover. I have now added a puff some more cover lines and banner advertising indie festivals.

Here is my final screen grab, this is my finished front cover and I am pleased with my outcome. I have added a few final things and edited some.

Friday 21 January 2011

What I did today...21/01/2011

Today I have edited my pictures a bit more on photo shop, my final image for my front cover magazine. I also started putting together my magazine front cover in photo shop. I have done quite a bit to it and need to update the screen grabs of my stages to illustrate what I have done.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

What I did today...18/01/2011

Today I have uploaded my images onto my blog to show what they are all like and what one I have chosen. I also added my poll of music genre votes to my blog to show what the most popular is.

My Photos


 On the left is the original image, and on the right is it after being edited, I like this photograph and think I will use it for my magazine front cover.

I really like this image on the left above but it has too much detail int he background so I don't think it is right for a magazine front cover, so I chose the top one.

Sunday 16 January 2011

What I did today...16/01/2011

Today I have looked on Google for some images of indie and looked at some magazine covers, to try and get a better image in my head of what I want to create. I have printed some pictures and I'm going to put together a collage/montage type thing to put together my ideas and figure out how I want my model to pose. I took my photographs later today as well for my front cover and double page spread I am happy with these and will begin my front cover.

Photoshoot Plan

Before shooting my images, I made this plan, got the images off google for more of an idea of what poses and styles I was going to use. I'm not going to copy the photos I'm going to add my own twist to them. Here is the plan and what I am thinking of doing.

I'm choosing to take a photograph in a studio type setting for my front cover and then for my location shots that are going to go on my double page spread I'm going to take them in a natural environment for example outside.

Friday 14 January 2011

What I did today...14/01/2011

Today I have written my proposal and planned out how I am going to create my music magazine. I have written it in my blog and posted it, including fonts, colours, images and other. I also thought about my photos and how I was going to take them I just need to write my ideas down and plan my photo shoot.

Thursday 13 January 2011

What I did today...13/01/2011

Today I have written about my genre I have chosen which is indie, and I have found music magazines that are based on indie. I have then found examples of bands and singers and posted them onto my blog. I have also researched into 'indie' as it is the genre I chose, I have uploaded what I have done onto my blog and will need to add a bit more to it as I have only explained the music and stereotypes.

Research into Indie

Indie Music
Indie stands for independent, it describes independence. Today we stereotype people a lot for example the way someone dresses, we automatically categorise them. Here are some examples of what we think ‘indie’ people wear, there are four different outfits that I have constructed on a website, which is
Indie Outfit 1 – This is an outfit that I would say is an everyday outfit. They wear different things to what has been around for a while; it seems to have come back into fashion lately people may dress like this because they like it or because they are following a group. Most ‘indie’ people dress the way they do to be different from others and set their own trends of what they like suggesting independence.
·         A baggy jumper.
·         Leggings
·         Boots
·         Fluffy/Big socks above the boots
·         Bracelets
·         Big earrings.
Indie Outfit 2 – This is an outfit that I would say is a festival outfit. This is the type of outfit that you would see someone wearing to a festival like Reading or Glastonbury as they like their music and go to festivals to see their favourite bands. I class this as indie as well as they mix and match random things but put it together well. Stereotypically ‘indie’ people look after themselves; the way the look and they are fairly skinny with curves, as they can wear things like this:
·         Short Shorts
·         Long Socks
·         Printed Wellies
·         Flowery/Feminine top
·         Straw summer hat
Indie Outfit 3 – This is also an everyday outfit. These are the type of clothes we also stereotype as an ‘indie’ outfit. The tight jeans and baggy checked shirt. ‘Indie’ have their way of dressing which is how they like to look. The fashion of old clothes coming back in to fashion like baggy and tight.
·         Tight ripped jeans
·         Baggy checked shirt
·         Leatherette Zigzagging Oxford flat shoes

Indie Outfit 4 – This outfit is a going out outfit. Something that people with their independent fashion for going out to a nice/posh place, or if they want to look nice/posh. This is what I see as an indie outfit as they were big accessories girly clothes – floral and heels.
  • Floral Dress
  • Baggy Cardie
  • Cream Bag with elegant accessories 
  • Cream Heels with Statement Bow


This is the clothing I associate with indie, the stereotype I see. Also the poses in this photograph suggest independence and their own style, not afraid of what others think. I like this style of images as they look good and advertise different types of clothing. I like the way this picture is put into a rectangle with for images I think it looks really good, and would like to create something like this for my double page spread.

Research into Music Genres

Here is the poll on my blog that people are able to vote on, they are voting for their favourite genre of music. This poll shows that the most popular music genre here is 'Indie' then 'Altenative' and then 'R&B' but this isn't very representative as all the votes are from the people in my media class at the same college. Also there were not enough votes to base this on the most popular music genre as there are only 6 votes.

Research into Music Magazines

Current Music Magazines
NME – This magazine company have had 58 years experience of being part of the music industry. The company was launched in 1952; the New Musical Express is the world’s greatest and most influential weekly music magazine known as NME.
Since starting this magazine they have been responsible for:

·         Creating the first UK singles chart
·         Hosting The Beatles, The Rolling Stones & The Kinks at our live shows
·         Bringing punk to the wider world
·         Breaking acts such as Jimi Hendrix, Sex Pistols, The Cure, The Stone Roses, Nirvana, Blur, Oasis and the Arctic Monkeys
·         Pioneering funny, critical and truth-telling music journalism

They remain the world’s most recognized and iconic music magazine. They have been there from stunning features to their unique inside information; NME has a proud and colourful history. They were there when The Beatles broke up, also the death of Elvis and many other things.
This is NME music magazine's logo/masthead:
‘We're the magazine that bands read. There isn't one magazine guaranteed to give an as truthful, honest, informed account of what's going down in music as NME. And we do it because we don't want to be lied to either – after all, this is rock'n'roll we're talking about, it's too important for that’ – quote from NME’s website.
‘NME's circulation increased by 9.7% year on year to 76,792 copies, just 627 ahead of Kerrang!’ – quote from the guardian.
NME also have a trial offer going at the moment, which is 4 issues for £1, which is good and makes more people buy the magazine as it attracts the readers more. Which means NME’s sales will be higher than before as more people will buy it when there is a deal involved.
The reason for NME’s success I think is that it is a well created magazine including lots of information that appeals to people that enjoy music. The magazines are filled with lots of good information and many things that inform people about new bands, old bands and other things like I mentioned above. The only thing that  I think that isn’t very good about NME and is why I wouldn’t buy it is because of the price it is fairly expensive and I wouldn’t think it was worth it as I don’t enjoy reading music magazines, whereas others might enjoy them and think it’s a reasonable price for the size of the magazine. But when it’s on the special offer of 4 issues for £1 I may think differently about it.

Kerrang!  - Kerrang! is a rock magazine published in the United Kingdom. The magazine name is onomatopoeic and refers to the sound made when playing power chord on an electric guitar. It began publication in 1981 and is still being published today.  Kerrang! is a popular music magazine and includes a lot of different rock bands new and old. Kerrang!’s first successful period came in 2000, it featured bands on the cover like Papa Roach, Slipknot and Linkin Park – all well known bands today. Emap launched Kerrang! Australia in the late 1990s. Unlike Kerrang in the United Kingdom which is published weekly, the Australian version is published monthly due to competition from free local music publications. Kerrang! is also published in Spanish.

This is Kerrang!'s logo/masthead:

‘ Emap's weekly title recorded the biggest increase in circulation in the rock music sector, up 23.2% year on year and 18% on the period to 76,165 copies.’ – quote from the guardian.

I think the success of Kerrang! is due to the information included in the magazine. For example, well known bands, interviews with some band members, posters and also information on gigs. These are all the things that someone that wants to buy a music magazine will look for. The price of Kerrang! isn’t as expensive as some magazines as it’s not as thick, but it still manages to hold a lot of information. I also thing the front covers are also eye catching, the big bold masthead, the colours and also the pictures it always seems to stand out.


Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars

Music Magazine

For my music magazine I have chosen to base it on the music genre: indie. I like the music in this category and I think it is a good genre and a good choice for a music magazine. Here are some examples of indie music and indie magazine covers:

Flatplan Front Cover and Contents Page

This is my front cover flat plan. This is what I want my front cover to look like. Also my Contents page, this is what I hope my front cover and contents page will turn out like with thee images.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

What I did today...12/01/2011

Today I have researched more into the genre of music I am choosing to base my magazine on which is indie. I have created some outfits based on what stereotype we associate with indie. I need to add more to these and then I will post them onto my blog.

Reflection on Student Magazine

In my opinion my music magazine was pretty good for my first attempt at ever making a magazine front cover and contents page. I think I have done quite well in creating it. The magazine front cover doesn't look like a professional magazine, but i didn't expect it too, as it was my first attempt. I think i could of improved it a bit more but i ran out of time as i missed a couple of lessons and tried catching up, I think I did well in trying to catch up as i got everything up to date. If I had the chance to do this again I would as I would like to think about it more and put more into it. I would have thought about the masthead more and thought about the picture more, and taken a few more to add in my contents page, but we were a bit pushed for time. I enjoyed creating a music magazine it was very different to things I have done before. In creating this magazine I used a digital camera for my photographs and used photo shop to put it all together, and create my final pieces. For my flat plans I used word to put everything together as I didn't need to use photo shop with this so it wasn't as complex.


Who are you aiming your magazine at?
For my music magazine I am aiming it 15-18 year olds, as this age are the most likely people to read music magazines as they like their music. Music magazines now are aimed at that range but they are available to anyone. I want my magazine to be like that as others can be interested too.

What will your magazine be about?
My music magazine will be about music; the genre I have chosen to base my magazine on is ‘indie’. It will include various things like upcoming gigs and festivals, interviews with different artists.

What are your ideas for cover lines?
·      Exclusive interview with Snow Patrol
·      Info on gigs inside!
·      Coming up festivals!

What title have you decided on and why?
For my music magazine title I have decided to use ‘iMusic’ witch stands for ‘independent music’. I have decided on this title as the ‘i’ stands for indie, as that is the music genre I am doing and music as it is a music magazine.

What fonts do you want to want to use?

What are your ideas of taglines?
·      independent Music, whatever you like.

            When in the year will it be published?
My music magazine will be published in summer, as it will be advertising festivals. I think the magazine will be best published in summer. My main photo will be summery so will have a slight theme.

What kind of image do you expect to put on your front cover and how will you go about getting this image?
For my image I will take a picture of a girl wearing summery festival type clothes, the type we stereotype as ‘indie’. I will take this photo on my camera against a white/plain backdrop.  I will experiment with the images when I do my photo shoot.

How frequently would it be published?
For this magazine it will be published every fortnight. It will then be able to let people know about new/old music, upcoming advents and various other things.

What are the dimensions of the cover?
The dimensions for my magazine will be A4 it will be clear, eye catching and the same size as most fonts, it will also be quite thin whereas if it was A5 it will be a lot chunkier as it would be double the page as its half the size.

What image/colour would you use on your contents page?
I will use various images of other bands/singers in my contents page and match the colour of my front cover to my contents page based on a colour scheme I have chosen. The colours I will use are reds, whites and black.

Tuesday 11 January 2011


Today I added to my music magazine research, I added an annotation of a magazine front cover to show examples of some front covers for different genres. I added YouTube videos of different music genres, for an example of the different types to go with my research. I also created a brainstorm of all the music genres I could choose to base my magazine on. I only named the main genres of music as there are too many sub genres, so I named the ones i was most familiar with. I then annotated the brainstorm and will choose the genre I want to do from this brainstorm and music research.

Today I created a poll for visitors on my page to vote which genre of music they prefer to listen to. I also researched more into the other genres of music and need too add it to my research.

Today I have researched more into the genre of music i am choosing to base my magazine on which is indie. I have created some outfits based on what stereotype we associate with indie. I need to add more to these and then I will post them onto my blog.

Today I have written about my genre I have chosen which is indie, and I have found music magazines that are based on indie. I have then found examples of bands an singers and posted them onto my blog. I have also researched into 'indie' as it is the genre I chose, I have uploaded what I have done onto my blog and will need to add a bit more to it as I have only explained the music and stereotypes.

Today I have written my proposal and planned out how I am going to create my music magazine. I have written it in my blog and posted it, including fonts, colours, images and other. I also thought about my photos and how i was going to take them I just need to write my ideas down and plan my photo shoot.

Today I have googled some images of indie and looked at some magazine covers, to try and get a better image in my head of what I want to create. I have printed some pictures and I'm going to put together a collage/montage type thing to put together my ideas and figure out how I want my model to pose. I took my photographs later today as well for my front cover and double page spread I am happy with these and will begin my front cover.

Today I have uploaded my images onto my blog to show what they are all like and what one I have chosen. I also added my poll of music genre votes to my blog to show what the most popular is.

Today I have edited my pictures a bit more on photo shop, my final image for my front cover magazine. I also started putting together my magazine front cover in photo shop. I have done quite a bit to it and need to update the screen grabs of my stages to illustrate what I have done.

Today I have uploaded my construction of my magazine front cover using screen grabs whilst I have been constructing these. They show the tools I have used and also the progress I have made. I have now finished my front cover and have upload this onto my blog so I can see my final front cover.

Today I made a few touches to my front cover and began my contents page, I do not yet have an image for my front cover but i will add that in once I have it. So as I didn't have these images I decided to have a play around on photoshoop to see how I wanted my contents page and started constructing it.

Today I have finished all my information on my contents page and just need to add my photographs to my contents where i have put the squares. I have changed the lay out of my contents page from what i created last week and I think it has improved.

Today I finished my contents page, I added pictures and moved and changed a few things to improve it. I am happy with my final contents page and think the changes made it better.

Today I changed a few extra things to my contents page I then began editing my photographs for my double page spread and placing them together how I wanted them to be on my double page spread. I have a main layout and I will add various other pictures to it. I will plan out my double page spread and build it off of that.

Today I began my double page spread, created my background and everything in photoshop I then placed it into indesign. I had alread written out my questions so i just made sure they were okay and addedd them in.

Today I continued with my double page spread editing bits that werent right, this meant opening the background back up into photoshop and editing that and placing it back into indesign.

Friday 7 January 2011

What I did today...7/01/2011

Today I created a poll for visitors on my page to vote which genre of music they prefer to listen to. I also researched more into the other genres of music and need to add it to my research.