Thursday 7 April 2011

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The technologies now used throughtout the magazine industry are deffinately increasing. The things needed to create a magazine are very technological. For example we need a computer with many programs on it such as photoshop and indesign these are used to create the magazine, you will also need a camera and various other things becoming very technological.
Technology is taking over magazines for example instead of buying the magazine you can now subscribe online or even use the emagazine which is a magazine but online. So it is very economically friendly as they will not print off as many.
During this time of creating a magazine I have used a Mac, I have never used a Mac Computer. I have never used one before so I had to adjust to it, itwas quite difficult at first as the keyboards are different to normal ones, also has many different shortcuts. But once I got used to the Mac I was fine.

I used Photoshop for the first time as well when creating this magazine. I used this for editing my photographs and I also used it to put together my front cover and contents page. I could not get the hang of photoshop to start off with but once I had some help I was also fine with that. I just needed some time exploring it.

I have also used my Computer at home to help me I bought and downloaded Photoshop onto my computer so I could aslo continue with some work at home. This helped because I couldnt get everything done in my lesson and it also gave me free time to explore the programs on it and get used to them a bit more.

I used my Samsung Camera to take my photographs, I study photography so this helped my in the photographic department also the fact that I had my own camera when I needed it.

To make sure I would always have everything depending if I did it at home on in college I would use my memory stick, also to back up my files and make sure I still had them.
Another I used whilst creating this magazine is Indesign, I have also never used this and it came on the same disk as photoshop, it is very different to photoshop and quite hard to adjust to. Once you have had the practice and know what you are doing it is a lot easier. We used this to create our double page spreads as it was better for them then photoshop.
So I have everything together I uploaded all my things I have done to blogger. This is an easy way for anyone else to see all my work. I have never used blogger before either or done a blog or anything like that, so it was a nice experience to use other programs and see other ways or how things can be done.

I have also included power points in my blogger so the only way to upload them to my blog was using slideshare. I have also never used this before and just had fun exploring with it and finding out how to post things to my blog.

The final thing I have used during this is YouTube, I used this for my research to listen to songs that I think were in the genre I did. Once I found a YouTube clip I posted it to my blog, so others can see the videos I have posted too.
These are all the things I learnt how to use whilst creating my magazine. Some for research, some for my blog and others to create my magazine.

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