Friday 10 December 2010



Who are you aiming your magazine at specifically?
The target audience for my magazine is college students at the age of 16+; there is a specific audience as it is a college magazine created for students.

What will your magazine be about?
This magazine will include student life and problems that may be facing them; it will include help and advise for students. It also will include things that students are interested in and enjoy, also that they could take part in, for example gigs, concerts, sales in shops and discounts. It will help inform the students.

What are your ideas for cover lines?
·      Discounts available inside!
·      8 things to know about college.
·      Needing some advice?
·      Help!
·      Love sucks.
·      Sales Now Here!
·      Interview with The Wanted.
·      Better Grades.
·      Holiday Breaks!

What title have you decided on and why?
·      College News – this is quite a simple name and I don’t think it is the best for college students, as I don’t think it will appeal to them because they are not too bothered about the college news.
·      Student Times – this is quite a simple title for the magazine but is straight to the point and may appeal to the students, as they are part of the title.

What fonts do you want to use?
Student Times -  this font is quite bold, easy to read and clear, it also looks like a font used for a magazine title and suits the title of the magazine. – Bank Gothic.

Student Times – this font is also clear and bold and looks like the one about but is bolder and bigger. I think this font also suits the title and stands out. –Copperplate Gothic bold. – I think this Is the font that I will use for my magazine masthead as it is clear, easy to read and looks good.

Student times – this font is too curly and isn’t very clear, it is bold and stands out but is not easy to read, I don’t think it is a good font for a magazine title. – Advert MF

Student Times – this font is a sans serif font and will suit the magazine title, I think it is clear bold and able to read, this is a good font for a magazine cover. – BlairMdITC TT.

Student Times – this font is an alright font for a magazine cover but is not as clear as others, it looks good and you are able to read it, but I’m unsure it is right for a magazine cover. – Crass Roots Ofl.

What are your ideas of taglines?
·      College helps to for fill your needs.

When in the year will it be published?
My magazine will be published in the Summer time, as it is time for breaks, advertising breaks for holiday in the college holiday shop. Also has help for grades that students can read and prepare for before their exams and for the lectures.

What kind of image do you expect to put on the front cover and how will you go about getting this image?
My image on the front cover will be of a student either doing work, in the college environment or be doing something to do with college.

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