Friday 17 December 2010

What I did today...17/12/2010

Today I added to my music magazine research, I added an annotation of a magazine front cover to show examples of some front covers for different genres. I added YouTube videos of different music genres, for an example of the different types to go with my research. I also created a brainstorm of all the music genres I could choose to base my magazine on. I only named the main genres of music as there are too many sub genres, so I named the ones I was most familiar with. I then annotated the brainstorm and will choose the genre I want to do from this brainstorm and music research.

Brainstorm of Music Genres

This is a brainstorm of some music genres, there are many different music genres as people like different things and the artist had chosen the type of music they like to create their own music. I am familiar with many of these genres I have heard about them all. there are many more genres that I haven't ever heard of. I listen to a lot of these genres and would want to make a music magazine based on one of these genres.I made this brainstorm in Word in my lesson, whilst thinking about what genre I would like to do.

The Scene Aesthetic - Beauty In The Breakdown

Rihanna - What's My Name? ft. Drake

Music Magazine Research

There are a lot of different music genres around. They all have magazines based on the genres of music. The music industry has created many different genres to satisfy many people.

Indie – Independent music is shortened to indie music or ‘indie’. It is more commonly known as ‘indie’ to most of the population. Indie is a term to describe independence from major commercial record labels and a Do-It-Yourself approach to recording and publishing.  An example of an indie artist is Drake he is number 9 on the indie charts. This is an example of an indie magazine, it is called NME and is well known around. It is quite a big filled magazine with a lot you need to know about the latest music coming out.

Rock – Rock music is a genre of popular music that entered the mainstream in the 1960’s. It has roots in 1940’s and 1950’s rock and roll, rhythm and blues, country music and others. Most rock bands, the music is based on the electric guitar, bass guitar, drums and keyboard instruments such as Hammond organ, piano or since the late 60’s, synthesizers. An example of a rock band is Panic! At the disco this band revolves around guitars drums and singing. Panic! At the disco are at number 9 on the 100 modern rock songs. This is a well known rock music with a lot you need to know about recent, new rock music. Its cover is based around three colours: black, red and white. This makes the magazine look good and bold, for example the mast head, black on a white background. Also the photograph used is a band and it has their band name across their photo clearly showing who they are, the people are dressed in black and white and links in with the magazines colour scheme. There is one person in white clothing and he is at the front and stands out from the others as they are in the back and in black, this suggests that the one in white is the main singer.
Hip Hop - Hip hop music is a musical genre that developed as part of the hip hop culture and is defined by four key stylistic elements such as rapping, DJing/scratching, sampling (or synthesis) and beat boxing.  Hip hop began in the South Bronx of New York City in the 1970’s. The term rap is often used with hip hop but hip hop also denotes the practices of an entire subculture. An example of a hip hop artist is Bruno Mars he is at number 2 in the urban charts.

Dance  - dance music is music composed specifically to facilitate or accompany dancing. It can either be a whole musical piece of a larger musical arrangement. In terms of performance, he major categories are live dance music and recorded dance music.

Front Cover and Contents

This is my final front cover, I think it looks good for a student magazine. The colours, the image and the fonts - san serif. This is also my contents page, I think they are both good and match colours and continues the theme so they link. I based the layouts of my front cover and my contents page on my flatplans because I liked the way they looked and think it looks good with all the pictures.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Flatplans - Front Cover and Contents Page

These are my flatplans for my Front Cover and my Contents Page. This is how I wanted my pages to be set out and I based my pages around these flatplans.

Friday 10 December 2010



Who are you aiming your magazine at specifically?
The target audience for my magazine is college students at the age of 16+; there is a specific audience as it is a college magazine created for students.

What will your magazine be about?
This magazine will include student life and problems that may be facing them; it will include help and advise for students. It also will include things that students are interested in and enjoy, also that they could take part in, for example gigs, concerts, sales in shops and discounts. It will help inform the students.

What are your ideas for cover lines?
·      Discounts available inside!
·      8 things to know about college.
·      Needing some advice?
·      Help!
·      Love sucks.
·      Sales Now Here!
·      Interview with The Wanted.
·      Better Grades.
·      Holiday Breaks!

What title have you decided on and why?
·      College News – this is quite a simple name and I don’t think it is the best for college students, as I don’t think it will appeal to them because they are not too bothered about the college news.
·      Student Times – this is quite a simple title for the magazine but is straight to the point and may appeal to the students, as they are part of the title.

What fonts do you want to use?
Student Times -  this font is quite bold, easy to read and clear, it also looks like a font used for a magazine title and suits the title of the magazine. – Bank Gothic.

Student Times – this font is also clear and bold and looks like the one about but is bolder and bigger. I think this font also suits the title and stands out. –Copperplate Gothic bold. – I think this Is the font that I will use for my magazine masthead as it is clear, easy to read and looks good.

Student times – this font is too curly and isn’t very clear, it is bold and stands out but is not easy to read, I don’t think it is a good font for a magazine title. – Advert MF

Student Times – this font is a sans serif font and will suit the magazine title, I think it is clear bold and able to read, this is a good font for a magazine cover. – BlairMdITC TT.

Student Times – this font is an alright font for a magazine cover but is not as clear as others, it looks good and you are able to read it, but I’m unsure it is right for a magazine cover. – Crass Roots Ofl.

What are your ideas of taglines?
·      College helps to for fill your needs.

When in the year will it be published?
My magazine will be published in the Summer time, as it is time for breaks, advertising breaks for holiday in the college holiday shop. Also has help for grades that students can read and prepare for before their exams and for the lectures.

What kind of image do you expect to put on the front cover and how will you go about getting this image?
My image on the front cover will be of a student either doing work, in the college environment or be doing something to do with college.

Initial Ideas

These are my ideas of the things I wanted to include in my magazine front cover.

IPC Media Case Study

 This is the research I did about IPC media, I have found different examples of magazines that IPC media have made and written my own opinion about them.

Magazine Annotations

Here is a Kerrang! magazine that I have annotated. I screen grabbed this to add it to my blog.

Magazine Responses
I annotated the magazine Kerrang! The genre of this magazine is music. This magazines target audience is boys and girls aged 13-19 mostly teenagers who are interested in music and want to know about their favourite bands. We know this because of the images, fonts and information used on the magazine cover, the images of the bands and the band names suggests this to us, but other people may be interested in this magazine aswell if they like this genre. The music genre of this magazine is mainly rock and alternative, you can tell this by the bands listed on the front of the magazine, also the colour schemes and fonts. The title is black and bold, they also have an explanation mark so it grabs your attention more and it adds more attitude to the title.  The main image is of a well known band that sings songs of the music genre, rock. The pictures tie in with the colour schemes as they are not dressed in bright colours, mainly blacks and whites. The main guy of the band is in white in front of two that are in white, the front guy stands out more as the colours contrast. The colour scheme of this magazine is blacks and whites and the puffs and plugs are red which helps them stand out from the rest of the magazine, these are the things that the magazine editor wants the audience to see and be intrigued by, as well as the rest of the information on the magazine cover. The font used for the masthead is sans serif as most magazine editors use that as there masthead font, for it to be noticed as the masthead. Whereas the main coverline is serif font, similar to other magazines so you can recognise the main coverlines. The masthead and main coverline are both big fonts so that they appeal to the audience. The masthead is also in black font and that is the only black font on this magazine cover so that stands out from the rest, the main coverline is in white on top of blacks and whites with a black outline so this also appeals to us. The other coverlines are in sans serif font as well as the mast head but they are much smaller, but we are still able to see and notice them. The coverlines call out to us because most of them are on a red background and in white font. All the other coverlines are white and on a dark background so we are able to read them. All but the word ‘paramore’ which is red and it is advertising another band, but this is still tied in with the black, white and red colour scheme. This also calls out to us as no other font is in red, and it’s something the editors want us to see. All the images on the front of this magazine are bands or singers, suggesting to the audience that it is a magazine and f you read this or the magazine appeals to you then you obviously enjoy your music and want to know about the bands and singers. The magazine also lists all the other bands that are mentioned in the magazine and they have a range of different bands, manly all from the same music genre and having something for everyone that likes that music genre. It also advertises a ticket to ‘give away’ on the front for a music festival, so that might intrigue more readers if the like festivals. This suggests that there may be more festivals listed inside and helps the readers find them and know information about gigs or festivals that include this music genre.