Friday 25 March 2011

What I did today...25/03/2011

Today I edited my front cover, I changed some of the fonts I used and moved some things around as I didn’t think it looked as good as it could of. I changed some of the writing on it as well trying to make it look better.

Friday 18 March 2011

What I did today...18/03/2011

Today I continued playing around with my double page spread making it better as I was unsure on it. I reopened it in Photoshop again and moved things around don the main background.

Monday 14 March 2011

Flatplan for double Page Spread

This is what i imagine my double page spread will look like, Or how I intend it to look. In my opinion this will change when i have put images on and constructed it. My front cover and contents page didnt look exactly like the flatplans as I rearranged a few things to make it look better. This is just a rough idea of what i could produce but it may not look exactly like this.

Friday 11 March 2011

What I did today...11/03/2011

Today I continued with my double page spread editing bits that weren’t right, this meant opening the background back up into Photoshop and editing that and placing it back into In Design.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Final Contents Page

This is my final Contents Page, after all the construction and editing I did for this. This is my final outcome. I think it looks quite good and all links together well. I have carried on the colour theme i used for my front cover.

Friday 4 March 2011

What I did today...04/03/2011

Today I began my double page spread, created my background and everything in Photoshop I then placed it into indesign. I had already written out my questions so I just made sure they were okay and added them in.